We analyze, monitor and optimize engineering systems
Instantaneous degradation characterization and remaining useful life prediction
Our Mission
At Auriphys, we develop and apply physics-based reliability analysis to diverse engineering systems often undergoing complex, asynchronous, multi-mode loading—for characterization and optimization, to improve design, and/or predict and prevent catastrophic failures, among other uses.
Our tools combine existing degradation measures with typically measured system variables to calibrate and predict degradation
Our solutions and approaches encapsulate several engineering and physical science fields.
Desktop apps
Available GUI applications include solid interfacial wear, battery aging and instability, lubricants, and fatigue of solid components. New apps are added regularly.
Our Services
We provide user-friendly desktop applications for system analysis, and embedded monitoring solutions for in situ optimization.
Detailed system/component characterization for performance, degradation and failure analysis.
Consistent state-of-health monitoring under all operating conditions.
Engineering systems
Batteries, industrial machinery (system and components), complex and high-performance systems, thermal and hydrodynamic systems.
Get in touch
Contact us today and explore solution options for your engineering system.